Birch Hills & District Historical Society (Museum)
Box 693 Birch Hills, SK S0J 0G0
(306) 749-2262
You will find the museum at the West End of McCallum Ave. We are proud of our facility and services and we invite you to call in often.
We are open every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, for browsing, visiting and coffee. Feel free to make an appointment by calling 306-960-9937.
Our Thrift Shop, located in the basement, is open during the same hours. Children’s and adult’s clothing, and all kinds of household articles are available. No furniture or electrical appliances.
Museum Events and Activities
Learning Our Heritage Day – Annual event held in June. This award-winning program brings heritage alive for young students, their parents and grandparents. The event is put on in co-operation with the school and involves many demonstrations and hands-on activities.
Threshing Day and Family Fun Day – Our biggest yearly event is celebrated the second Sunday of August each year.
Centennial Memorial Wall is located at the front entrance of the Museum with over 275 plaques honoring pioneers and community builders. There are murals and memorial books containing their stories.